• Pigmented Blush Platinum Program
    The three modes of the Excel V Plus from Qterra, one of the top three laser companies in the U.S. and
    powerful boost shot, have a definite effect on intractable pigmentation and redness
    even epidermal and dermal pigments, vascular flushing, and acne redness.treatment at once

    10 weeks 1,700,000Won 2,180,000Won
    15 weeks 2,350,000Won 3,030,000Won
    20 weeks 2,950,000Won 3,850,000Won
    +2 water-light injections 179,000Won 250,000Won
  • Kimi VIP Program
    Pico Plus Toning + Genesis Toning + VIP Pigment Boost Shot
    + Whitening Ampoule Management + LED + Modeling Pack
    Powerful Boost Shot, sure effect on intractable pigments
    Treat epidermal and dermal pigments at once

    8 weeks 1,090,000Won 1,980,000Won
    12 weeks 1,590,000Won 2,970,000Won
    16 weeks 1,990,000Won 3,960,000Won
    +LDM playback mode once 30,000Won 50,000Won
    +2 water-light injections 179,000Won 250,000Won
  • Excel V Plus Redness Acne Redness Injection Dermatitis Intensive VIP 6-week Program
    1 week: Excel V Plus 532/1064 Cool View + Capillary treatment or if necessary, boost shot for red marks + LDM flushing mode + LED + flushing pack
    2 weeks: Excel V Plus Dual Genesis + Anesthetic cream + Potenza 500 shots (CP25) - Exosome 2.5cc - LDM flushing mode - LED - flushing pack
    3 weeks: Excel V Plus Dual Genesis + LDM flushing mode - LED - flushing pack
    4 weeks: Excel V Plus 532/1064 Cool View + Capillary treatment or if necessary, boost shot for red marks + LDM flushing mode + LED + flushing pack
    5 weeks: Excel V Plus Dual Genesis + Anesthetic cream + Potenza 500 shots (CP25) + Salmon water light 2CC - LDM flushing mode + LED +Redness Pack
    6 weeks: Excel V Plus Dual Genesis + LDM Redness Mode + LED + Redness Pack
    1,6,10,15 weeks Mark-Vu skin diagnosis device shooting

    6 weeks 1,290,000Won 2,090,000Won
    12 weeks 1,990,000Won 3,790,000Won
    15 weeks 2,190,000Won 4,090,000Won
  • Excel V Plus Redness, Acne Red Marks VIP 6 Week Program
    1 week Excel V Plus 532 Cool View + Capillary Cleanup + LDM Blushing Mode + LED + Blush Pack
    2 Weeks Excel V Plus 532 Genesis + 1064 Genesis + LDM Blushing Mode + LED + Blush Pack
    3 weeks ExcelV Plus 532 Genesis + Pico Gold Toning + LDM Blushing Mode + LED + Blushing Pack
    4 Weeks Excel V Plus 532 Cool View + Capillary Reorganization + LDM Blushing Mode + LED + Blushing Pack
    5 Weeks Excel V Plus532 Genesis + 1064 Genesis + LDM blush mode + LED + blush pack
    6 weeks Excel V Plus 532 Genesis + Pico Gold Toning + LDM blush mode + LED + blush pack

    6 weeks 890,000Won 1,290,000Won
    12 weeks 1,590,000Won 2,580,000Won
    15 weeks 1,890,000Won 3,225,000Won
    +Redness Skin Botox (Coretox) +PDRN Salmon Water Light Injection 210,000Won 289,000Won
    +Baekok injection 6 times 150,000Won 230,000Won
  • Excel V Plus 532 Cool View Redness Toning + LDM Redness Mode + Soothing Care (LED + Redness Pack)
    The world's top 3 lasers, Cuterasa laser
    Improves redness and vascular lesions

    1 time 200,000Won 250,000Won
    5 times 690,000Won 750,000Won
  • Excel V Plus 532 Genesis + Sedation Management
    The powerful effect of the 532nm Green Genesis Premium Laser that corrects redness, blemishes, dull facial tone, and skin elasticity at once, only possible with Excel V Plus.

    1 time 150,000Won 190,000Won
    5 times 590,000Won 950,000Won
    10 times 990,000Won 1,900,000Won
  • Excel V Plus Dual Genesis + Sedation Management
    532nm Green Genesis + 1064nm Genesis Controls redness and skin elasticity at once while treating the cause of dull facial tone and dermal blemishes.

    1 time 250,000Won 290,000Won
    5 times 990,000Won 1,450,000Won
    10 times 1,500,000Won 2,900,000Won
  • Laser toning 10 times
    Laser toning + LED + glowing moisturizing pack
    Improvement of dermal pigmentation

    239,000Won 319,000Won
  • Laser toning + whitening ampoule treatment 10 times
    Laser toning + whitening ampoule care + LED + modeling pack
    Improvement of dermal pigment

    319,000Won 519,000Won
  • Laser toning + whitening ampoule treatment + 10 white jade injections
    Laser toning + whitening ampoule management + LED + modeling pack + white jade injection
    Improvement of dermal pigment

    419,000Won 790,000Won
  • Pico Plus Toning
    Pico Plus Toning + LED + Glowing Moisturizing Pack
    Powerful dermal pigment improvement
    If you want clear and bright skin

    5 time(s) 350,000Won 490,000Won
    10 time(s) 550,000Won 690,000Won
  • Pico Plus toning + whitening ampoule treatment 10 times
    Pico Plus Toning + Whitening Ampoule Management + LED + Modeling Pack
    Powerful dermal pigment improvement
    If you want clear and bright skin

    710,000Won 890,000Won
  • Pico Plus Toning + Whitening Ampoule Management + 10 White Jade Injections
    Picoplus toning + whitening ampoule care + LED + modeling pack + white jade injection
    Powerful dermal pigment improvement
    If you want clear and bright skin

    819,000Won 1,480,000Won
  • Genesis Toning
    Genesis Stoning + LED + Glowing Moisturizing Pack
    Improvement of skin cell environment
    Stimulation of melanin pigment decomposition

    5 time(s) 259,000Won 459,000Won
    10 time(s) 459,000Won 759,000Won
  • Genesis Toning + Whitening Ampoule Care 10 times
    Genesis Stonening + Whitening Ampoule Management + LED + Modeling Pack
    Improvement of skin cell environment
    Stimulation of melanin pigment decomposition

    599,000Won 1,090,000Won
  • Genesis toning + whitening ampoule care + 10 white jade injections
    Genesis Stonening + Whitening Ampoule Management + LED + Modeling Pack + White Jade Injection
    Improvement of skin cell environment
    Stimulation of melanin pigment breakdown

    690,000Won 1,290,000Won
  • Larasis
    Genesis Toning + Lala Peel (Basic Peel + Ultra Peel)
    + Heat Ampoule Penetration + LED + Glowing Moisturizing Pack

    5 time(s) 579,000Won 820,000Won
  • Body toning 10 times
    Pigmentation areas such as armpits, elbows, knees, etc.
    Based on the area of 2 palms

    Toning 10 times 250,000Won 290,000Won
    Pico toning 10 time 550,000Won 990,000Won
  • Hair removal + toning package
    3 sessions of armpit hair removal
    + 10 sessions of laser toning or pico toning package

    Hair removal + toning 280,000Won 320,000Won
    Hair removal + picotoning 590,000Won 1,040,000Won

Selected event
